Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Grief in Look Both Ways

4 Stages of Grief


Julia goes through shock and disbelief when she is walking home with the groceries when her and Robert’s dog runs over to her and she realise what has gone on at the train line with Robert dying.


Nick’s Dad was In denial about his cancer shown by him always changing the subject in the flashbacks from Nick throughout the film.

Phil bargains with god in the way that if he stops smoking and becomes healthier his life would be longer and better.


Nick feels guilt towards Meryl in starting a relationship with her just after he has been diagnosed with cancer, he feels that he is only starting a short term relationship where she may be thinking of a long term one because she is unaware of Nick’s cancer situation.

By Jon

Shock and Disbelief, Denial, Bargaining, Guilt

‘Look Both Ways’- Seven Stages Of Grief

· Shock & Disbelief- when Meryl sees Julia’s husband trips over the train lines and gets run
over and dies. This illustrates shock as Meryl is getting interviewed by the policeman and
she’s getting questioned about the accident and the sheer shock in her face and voice.

· Denial- is shown when nicks dad is denial about his cancer and try’s to live his life normal.

· Bargaining- when Phil says he’s going to quit smoking so he can have acceptance from his
family and change his life he bargains.

· Guilt- is shown when Meryl is told by nick that he has cancer and she doesn’t give him any
recognition about it, she feels bad later after yelling at him.

By Brogen

Who experiences acceptance, depression, anger and guilt in Look Both Ways?

Acceptance- Joan shows acceptance with the death of her husband, Meryl how she accepts Nick into her life even though he has cancer and when Julia builds a memorial.

Depression – Andy

Anger- Shown in Julia when she sees the memorial that Meryl had made for Rob and she kicked it down.

Guilt- The train driver feels guilt over the death of Rob. Nick feels guilt about telling his mother he has cancer.

By Erin

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Seven stages of grief

It is widely accepted that there are seven distinct stages in the grieving process. The seven stages of grief are:
  1. Shock or Disbelief
  2. Denial
  3. Bargaining
  4. Guilt
  5. Anger
  6. Depression
  7. Acceptance and Hope

Research and write what you understand your allocated stage of grief to mean. Consider and record which characters you can apply this stage of grief to. Explain their reactions and behaviours in the film that show they are experiencing that stage of grief. Pigeonhole your responses.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Despair, Survival and Love in Look Both Ways

Despair- Meryl is sick of living her life in despair and longs for change. When Nick comes into her life she feels complete.

Survival- Nick’s battle with cancer is a true survival story, he was diagnosed with terminal cancer but fought on, with the help of Meryl, his mother and friends he is able to fight it off.

Love - Nick and Meryl first come across each other by accident, they stumble upon each other once again and start talking more and more, their relationship blossoms and shortly after have a sexual encounter. The liking to each other turns into love and after a few set backs with Nicks cancer, they eventually marry and travel the world.

By anonymous student

Themes in Look Both Ways

Spirit- Nick shows his spirit with his battle with cancer. He proves he can beat his cancer and be with Meryl.

Desire-desire is shown in the film with the character Andy, his desire to get his point across and gets caught up in it. It is also shown at rob and Julia’s house their desire to build a life together.

Anxiety- anxiety is present throughout the film with a number of the characters. Meryl’s anxiety is shown in her animations, when she sees herself being killed all the time. An example of this is when her and nick are having sex and she is thinking about getting aids and having triplets that are sick. Nick also shows anxiety in the film when he thinks about the cancer and his fathers struggle with it too. Anna also show it when she is contemplating her unborn baby.

By Erin

Anxiety, Desire and Spirit

I see anxiety in both Nick and Meryl. Meryl’s anxiety is shown through the animations of people killing her during her everyday life, an example is when she is having sex with nick and she imagines her getting aids and dieing, Nicks anxiety is shown when he is searches about his cancer and how it could of come to him, It is shown when they have a photomontage of him taking photos as a young photographer at the radioactive place.

Desire is prominent in Andy character, by him being so caught up in his work about people accidental deaths being suicide because he believes that everyone has an gender and he has a desire to get this point across.

Spirit is shown in Look Both Ways through Nick’s spirit to go through the hardest days of cancer and still recover to marry Meryl and live a happy life travelling around the world.

By Jon

Responsibilty, grief and compassion

Responsibility: Phil realises, after spending more time at work than at home with his family, his responsibility as a father to his children, and learns to reduce the amount of time at the office, and spend more time at home, with his family. We see this in the following scenes:
· Phil staying late at the office, trying to get the newspaper together in time.
· Phil at home, not knowing that his eldest daughter’s birthday is tomorrow.
· We then see Phil attending his daughter’s birthday party, giving her a cricket bat, and her hugging him. Phil looks much more relaxed and happy.

Grief: Both Meryl and Nick are grieving over the loss of their fathers. We see Nick having flashbacks of how badly his father was suffering, before he died. Meryl sees death everywhere, and this fear is heightened with the death of her father.

Compassion: Nick shows compassion towards Meryl, consoling her over the death of her father, while visiting her at her home. Phil shows compassion towards Nick, after hearing about his cancer. Phil quits smoking, and puts Nick’s photograph of Julia on the front page of the paper. Meryl shows compassion and understanding to Nick, and understands why he treated her the way he did, after learning about his suffering of cancer.

By Steph

Where we see these themes in Look Both Ways

Fear: fear is recurrent throughout the film and is experienced by many characters. Andy and Meryl experience fear pretty much everyday of their lives, in particular we notice this when they both discuss seeing death everywhere and during their sex scene when they both imagine what could go wrong. Andy is constantly fearful that his life isn’t worth living and that he isn’t a good enough father. Most characters in the film experience fear at one point or another and Fear is one of the major themes throughout the film.

Chance: the theme or feeling of chance appears throughout the film. Chance encounters and situations have helped the director to inter relate the story line and characters. The reason Meryl and nick meet is due to chance. The reason that Phil’s life is on the improvement is because nick happened to tell him about his cancer. There are many more examples of chance appearing throughout the film too.

Commitment: Commitment or more so a lack of commitment from certain characters is a constant theme throughout the film especially from Andy, who can’t commit to his kids, to Anna or to his wife, his job and his friends. Andy’s lack of commitment helps make up who he is. The same can be said for different characters.

By Brad

Themes in the film

mes· Fear- Fear is a main part of the film ‘Look Both Ways ‘ it is highlighted all through the film and each character shows this in their own separate way. Take nick for example when he’s at the doctor when he discovers he has cancer for the first time, the fear in his voice and the uncertainty is shown. Even the questions he asks the doctor are full of fear is voice quivers with every word he says.

· Chance- Chance is used through the film by Sarah watt and is a major theme of the film ‘Look Both Ways’. Firstly with the accident with the train driver. It was chance that Julia’s husband tripped on to the train track and got killed. This is also shown by when nick has cancer, just like his father had. It was just a fluke he would contract cancer.

· Commitment- Commitment is shown at the end of the film in the photomontages when you see Nick having chemotherapy and overcoming his cancer to travel around the world. This photomontages highlights Nicks will and commitment and overcome cancer and not let it defeat him like his father.

By Brogen

Themes in Look Both Ways

1. Fear - Throughout the film, characters such as Nick and Meryl constantly have fear on their minds. Particularly Nick after being diagnosed with cancer, he constantly feels fear of death, fear of leaving his widowed mother behind. Meryl also has the fear of death just around the corner. Pessimistically does she worries about death awaiting her and fears her dreams and ambitions will never be fulfilled. Most of the characters make choices out of fear and through the writing of Watt do they find comfort in one another to Look Both Ways.

2. Chance – By chance do most of the characters meet and fall on the same path in life. When the train accident occurs, Meryl is an innocent bystander and meets Nick and Andy who are there to report the happenings. Watt writes from the perspectives that the characters (barring Nick and Andy) meet only by chance. The train accident happens by chance which start the paths of the characters lives to intertwine and come together. Chance rings Meryl closer to Nick particularly.

By Nick

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Key Concepts in Look Both Ways

    Look Both Ways 'deals with some of life's eternal concerns'. Consider the following list of themes and ideas that feature prominently in Look Both Ways. Using complete sentences outline where you see these themes and ideas being dealt with in the text. To enhance your examples, include a relevant quote.

  • Responsibilty

  • Grief

  • Compassion

  • Loss

  • Self-knowledge

  • Hope

  • Redemption

  • Fate

  • Choice

  • Despair

  • Survival

  • Love

  • Spirit

  • Desire

  • Anxiety

  • Fear

  • Chance

  • Commitment


Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Time of Fear and Loathing

The opinion piece, A Time of Fear and Loathing, by Helen Razer, provides us with a backdrop to understand the context within which Watt has created Look Both Ways. It can be said that a climate of fear has dominated society in recent times. In 2002 the September 11 attacks took place in America and in 2005, the year Look Both Ways was released, a spate of bombings occurred in London on July 7. These events happened to ordinary people going about their normal, everyday business; the reality for all of us is just how vulnerable we all are at any moment in our lives.

Look Both Ways is a social portrait that considers society on many levels; it presents a commentary on peoples' personal lives, local community and the bigger world picture. Watt has purposely constructed the text in this way to show how the everyday minutiae of our lives are shaped by our connections with others and what is happening around us. This leads the viewer to consider how, just like the characters in Look Both Ways, we are constantly being impacted upon by our connections with others both directly and indirectly. More often than not we will tend to be influenced by the negative news that seems to bombard us in both our interactions with others and the media. In the film the characters all read the news about the Arnow Hill train crash and Rob's death.

When we read Razer's article you will find you can easily identify correlations between what she has written and the themes and ideas of negativity and fear Watt highlights in her film through Meryl's animations and Nick's photomontages. While it is easy to see that Watt is pointing out to the viewer that people are constantly dealing with a narrative of death and disaster being presented to them daily in their lives, it takes a resistant reading of the text to realise the underlying message Watt intends.

What do you think this message is?

NB: The final song of the film, used during the closing credits, is Never Ever Worry by Lord Pretender.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

A time of fear and loathing - Look Both Ways comments on this contemporary context

Look Both Ways – dominant/resistant readings, implied reader and intertextuality example

A dominant reading of Look Both Ways acknowledges the gloomy aspects of the characters lives. The viewer wallows alongside Nick, Meryl and Andy as they contemplate personal crises and project their fears into every aspect of their daily lives. Their ‘doom and gloom’ perspective is reinforced through their unavoidable interaction with media that appears to promote a world of only pain, suffering and death. This is a view that a contemporary audience can strongly relate to. Watt has developed strong intertextuality between the representations of media in the film and real life media. People often feel that the media is overwhelmingly focused on death and misfortune, the viewer understands Meryl’s frustration as she encounters nothing but negativity in the newspaper and throws it away in disgust. The challenge is then set by the text to do just as its title purports; look both ways. Watt has designed a narrative that allows the reader to resist the idea that society has lost all hope and everyone has nothing but despair to look forward to. In a controlled and subtle way, often working subliminally on the viewer, she incorporates snippets of joyous moments within scenes. The young boy with Leukaemia smiles at Nick, Nick and Meryl share a joke, a bird depicts beauty and freedom and, in the closing moments of the film, the news reports a child has survived the Arnow Hill train crash. The implied reader will realise that, through these snippets, Watt speaks volumes. The overriding message that this movie wishes to convey about society and its humanity is that there is hope for us all; what might be somebody’s worst day could be another’s best, where it appears all hope is lost a miracle can occur.